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It is not necessary to spend words on how well-known is the brand Gates in the world and in Macedonia. Because when Gates is in charge of factory fittings in VW, BMW, Mercedes, Opel, Renault, Citroen and others, any debate of the quality is irrelevant because it is definitely and only on the Gates side. Regarding the many advantages over other manufacturers, we come down to the constant investment in new technologies, which is the main prerequisite for placing products to end customers i.e. you. In addition to this, as a novelty from September, the new Micro VX belt with its improvements shall be presented and launched, twice as much more conventional than the conventional EPDM mixture used in manufacturing for factory fitting, 65% more resistant at high temperatures, quiet and flexible at different operating modes, and more. It simply provides much more.

Apart from the aforementioned novelty, Gates in its range of products offers:

- drive belts

- wedge belts

- air and fuel hoses

- connectors



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